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Miami-Dade County Autism Awareness Month Kick Off “My Journey to Independence”
To commemorate Autism Awareness Month, HDS Companies was invited by Miami-Dade County's District 12th Commissioner, Jose “Pepe” Diaz, and The Dan Marino Foundation to participate in the Miami-Dade County Autism Awareness Month Kick-Off “My Journey to Independence”...
HDS Companies is proud to be the Title Sponsor of the 2nd Annual DMF Autism Awareness Block Party!
Join our HDS Contenders on Sunday, April 28th as we culminate Autism Awareness Month with The Dan Marino Foundation. DMF has planned a full day of fun for everyone starting with a Pedal for Autism Fun Training Ride in the early morning, followed by the 2nd Annual DMF...
Jose “Pepe” Diaz Event – FB Post
Our HDS Contenders and ASDY-TECH Team had a fantastic time participating in Miami-Dade County Commissioner, Jose "Pepe" Diaz's Autism Awareness Month Kick-Off "My Journey to Independence". We hosted a Booth at the Resource Fair and shared our resources with the public...
Join HDS Companies, and together let’s “Light It Up Blue!”
Each year, April is recognized internationally as World Autism Awareness Month, and the United Nations General Assembly designated April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day. People around the globe come together and pledge to go BLUE to spread a message of acceptance...
National Fair Housing Month
Fifty years ago, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and fair housing became law. By signing the Civil Rights Act, President Johnson declared, “Now, with this bill, the voice of justice speaks again. It proclaims that Fair Housing for...
The HDS Foundation is looking forward to boarding the SeaFair Miami for Tropical Nights 2019!
Go to Tropical Nights Website
Upcomming Events
Windpower Conference
Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa. More Details
Plant a Tree
Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa. More Details
Save a Life
Nunc sem sapien, convallis sit amet augue ac, pharetra auctor ex. Fusce nunc lacus, consequat id dui et, sodales faucibus massa. More Details
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