The Social Activities Program or S.A.P. is designed to enhance the lives of teens and young adults as they begin to transition to their post-secondary journey. The program is based on social activities leading to transition skills which provide students with disabilities a positive social interaction with their peers.
SAP is structured with the collaboration of individuals who have a background in mentoring and can assist students in social, educational and life skills. Activities can include but are not limited to: tutoring, educational coaching, creating study hours, cleaning, laundry, joining clubs, learning to drive, joining exercise and health-related groups, and planning weekend events. Utilizing various successful strategies, collaborating with the students and their families, and the community at large, SAP opportunities will no doubt provide a positive growth experience for this group of students who are at a critical stage of transition.
SAP will also pursue skill building in the areas of housing and related daily activities such as cooking, gardening, house handy work, problem solving, community activities and how to access them.

The Wings of Friendship Summer Camp
I had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of The Wings of Friendship Summer Camp over the past 8 weeks. A virtual camp that brought together teens and young adults with varying disabilities to enjoy daily activities together. Through various partnerships within the...
Highlighting Our S.A.P. Program!
The HDS Foundation Social Activities Program (S.A.P.) is a customized, social and life-skills program designed to enhance the lives of young adults who are attending a college or university, living in the dorms or partially independent housing. The program aims to...

Summer Fun!
Summer is back and teens are looking for some “safe” fun during this unprecedent time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although, activities will not look the same as they did last summer, teens can still find activities to do and have lots of fun. Traditionally, teens...
The HDS Foundation Resource Page is Now LIVE!
The time that you all have been waiting for has finally arrived!!! During the last few weeks, the HDS Foundation has been putting in hard work, day and night, to make sure we have a new and improved Resource Page for YOU! The Foundation’s primary mission is to...
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. Although people with ASD don't look physically different, they may communicate, interact,...

The First Tee End-of-Program Luncheon
On April 24th, 2016, The First Tee of Broward program concluded for the year at the end-of-program luncheon. Officially, the mission of this organization is to impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character, instill...

HDS Foundation and partners kick off Golf Mentoring Program for Special Needs Teens & Young Adults
PRESS RELEASE The First Tee of Broward has partnered with two South Florida business entities, Global Business Brokers and The HDS Foundation, Inc. to bring their national golf mentoring program to a group of older teens and young adults with disabilities. “This is...

First Tee Golf Mentoring Program
Last Saturday, December 12th, 2015, the First Tee of Broward held an Open House at Weston Hills Country Club to provide families with an overview of their Golf Program. This NEW Program, which kicks off January 9th, is a nine week activity designed by First Tee of...
2013 Cheer Buddies Banquet
The Cypress Bay Cheer Squad and the Cheer Buddies held their yearly baquet at Weston Hills Country Club. They celebrated their accomplishments and said goodbye to the Senior class, awards were given out and comical "Superlatives." All the students had a wonderful time...
1st Visit to Artserve
The HDS Foundation Team did a presentation on software testing for dozens of STEPS Program Participants. Our staff presented plans for a summer internship program which was currently in the works with the Dan Marino Foundation STEPS Program staff. We had the...
The HDS Foundation recently had the opportunity to work with a local high school student in putting together a collaborative event between the school’s varsity cheerleaders and a group of special needs girls who also attend the high school. As a junior coach for the...