The B.R.I.D.G.E.S. Grant

Applying for the B.R.I.D.G.E.S. Grant

We are excited that you have a class at your school that meets the goals and vision of the B.R.I.D.G.E.S. Program.  Our mission is to help support high school classes in their transition journey, and the Grant is designed to do just that. So, let’s get started…

1.   Download the BRIDGES Grant here.

2.   Read the Grant Requirements as detailed, specifically sections II to VI, to ensure that you can meet the Program expectations.  We have designed the Grant with flexibility as we understand each classroom will be different.  However, we have specific goals and areas of instruction that we feel are important in achieving the BRIDGES Grant goals.

3.   Letter of Intent.  If you would like to proceed, you must download and submit the BRIDGES GRANT Letter of Intent to the HDS Foundation by June 30th. You can find the Letter of Intent here, with the instructions of how to submit.

4.   Draft your BRIDGES Program Plan.  This is where you have a great deal of flexibility.  Create a DRAFT Plan that addresses ALL of the requirements and what your vision is for the proposed activities.  Check out the sample resources and activities on pages 12 to 15 for some ideas.  Please be as specific as possible, while taking into account that some activities might not be finalized and/or can be changed in your FINAL version which will be due August 30th. You can create your Program Plan in a Word Document or PowerPoint Presentation if you wish.  Be as creative as you want.  This helps us get a better idea of your class culture and goals.   The  DRAFT Plan can be sent  in along with the Letter of Intent on or by July 15th.

5.   Once the HDS Foundation receives your Letter of Intent and your Draft Program Plan, we will contact you to do a cursory review and make sure that any questions are answered.

6.   The HDS Foundation will notify all eligible applicants of the BRIDGES Grant award by July 25th.

7.   If your class is awarded the Grant, you will need to submit your Program Plan in FINAL FORM by August 30th.  This should be an updated and more specific version of your original Draft Plan.

8.   The HDS Foundation will fund the Grant by August 30th after all of the requirements have been met.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!  We want you to be able to access the funds as early as possible and start your academic year with a BANG!

If you have any questions related to the BRIDGES Grant, please email Liz Falk, Program Manager : [email protected].


Upload Your Letter of Intent and Draft Program Plan

Please fill out the form below