On Thursday, May 17th, students from the Cypress Bay B.R.I.D.G.E.S. (Budgeting – Resources – Independent Functioning – Development – Growth – Empowerment – Social Skills) Program will be taking a field trip to the offices of Housing and Development Services (HDS). B.R.I.D.G.E.S. is a program that was formed by the HDS Foundation at Cypress Bay through various grants. Once the students arrive at HDS, they will begin their visit with a tour of the office. At various points on their tour, they will learn more about the different positions that people have at HDS, including software development, network administration, customer service, and more. Once the tour is complete, students will be brought together for a short tutorial on one of the tools used at HDS, Microsoft Teams. This tool is integral at HDS as the employees there use Teams for collaboration on a variety of projects. Once the tutorial is complete, the students will enjoy lunch at the office. The goal of the field trip is to expose the students to different office jobs being performed today. With this information, they might be able to better decide what college degree or profession they might like to pursue after graduation. Everyone is looking forward to a fun and educational visit.